Monday, May 31, 2004

The Draft

there's an article in the guardian about the coming draft.

choice quote:

He's right. There is pending legislation in the American House of Representatives and Senate in the form of twin bills - S89 and HR163. These measures (currently approved and sitting in the committee for armed services) project legislation for spring 2005, with the draft to become operational as early as June 15.

.... snip ....

Draft-dodging will be harder than in the 1960s. In December 2001, Canada and the US signed a "smart border declaration", which, among other things, will prevent conscientious objectors (and cowards) from finding sanctuary across the northern border. There will be no deferment on higher-education grounds. Mexico does not appeal.

gee, just a few months after 911, the us signed an agreement with canada to prevent people from dodging the draft. this could indicate two things: they knew that iraq was going to be harder than they said. or they had grander plans for military adventures other than the invasions of afghanistan and iraq.

thanks to commentor TheaLogie at the eschaton for the link.

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